Javascript Operators
In this lecture, we will discuss different JavaScript operators. An operator is used to manipulate a specific value or operand. Operators are used to perform precise mathematical and logical calculations on operands.
What is a Operator?
Operators are used to compare values, perform arithmetic operations, etc. For example, if we take a simple equation, 10 + 11 is equal to 21. Here 10 and 11 are called operand and ‘+
’ is called operator.
JavaScript includes different types of operators that are used to perform different operations.
Types of JavaScript Operators
JavaScript has different types of operators that are used to perform different operations. Which are as follows
- Arithmetic Operators
- Assignment Operators
- Logical Operators
- Comparison Operators
- Bitwise Operators
JavaScript Arithmetic Operators
Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on the operand. The following operators are known as JavaScript arithmetic operators.
Operator | Name | Example |
+ | Addition | 5 + 5 = 10 |
- | Subtraction | 10 - 5 = 5 |
* | Multiplication | 4 * 2 = 8 |
/ | Division | 10 / 2 = 5 |
% | Modulus | 20 % 10 = 0 |
++ | Increment | a = 5; a++; a = a; |
-- | Decrement | a = 5; a--; a = a; |
** | Exponentiation | x = 5; x**2; x = 25 |
JavaScript Assignment Operators
Assignment operators are used to assign values to the operand. The following operators are known as JavaScript assignment operators.
Operator | Name | Example |
= | Assign | 10 + 5 = 15 |
+= | addition | a = 10; a += 5; a =15; |
-= | Subtraction | a = 10; a -= 5; a =5; |
*= | Multiplication | a = 10; a *= 10; a =100; |
/= | Division | a = 10; a /= 2; a =5; |
%= | Modulusassign | a = 10; a %= 2; a = 0; |
JavaScript Logical Operators
Logical operators are used in decision making and loops. The list of logical operators is as follows.
Operator | Name | Example |
&& | logical and | 20==30 && 30==33 = false |
|| | Logical OR | 20==30 || 30==33 = false |
! | Logical NOT | !(20==30) = true |
JavaScript Comparison Operators
JavaScript comparison operator compares two operand. The comparison operators are as follows.
Operator | Name | Example |
== | Equal to | 10==20 = false |
!= | Not equal | 10!=20 = true |
=== | Identical | 10==20 = false |
!== | Not Identical | 10!==10 = false |
< | Less than | 20 < 10 = false |
<= | Less than or Equal to | 20 <= 10 = false |
> | Greater than | 20 > 10 = true |
>= | Greater than or Equal to | 20 >= 10 = true |
JavaScript Bitwise Operators
Beatwise operators are used to perform bitwise operations on Operand. The following is a list of bitwise operators.
Operator | Name | Example |
& | Bitwise AND | 10==15 & 20==25 = false |
| | Bitwise OR | 10==15 | 20==25 = false |
^ | Bitwise XOR | 10==20 ^ 20==40 = false |
~ | Bitwise NOT | ~10 = -10 |
<< | Left Shift | 10 << 1 = 20 |
>> | Right Shift | 10 >> 2 = 2 |
>>> | Right Shift with Zero | 10 >>> 2 = 2 |