PHP Variable
- Hi guys, Today we built-in php variables tutorial, variable is a most important part of php project.
- PHP is a Loosely Typed Language, we don't need to disclose the data types of variables. It automatically analyzes the values and converts them to the correct datatype.
Rules for PHP variables:
- PHP variable name starts with the `$` icon
- PHP variable name cannot start with a number
- PHP variable name must start with a alpha-numeric characters or the underscore character like (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
- PHP variable names are case-sensitive like `$count` and `$COUNT` this is a two different variables
PHP Syntax
$a = 123; //a is variable
PHP Example
Edit it yourself
<!DOCTYPE html>
$c = 89;
$php = 99;
$java = 75;
$sum = $c + $php + $java;
$per = $sum/3;
echo "my percentage is a ".$per;
Output of PHP variable
Edit it yourselfmy percentage is a 87.666666