Laravel 10 React JS Auth Scaffolding Tutorial

 Laravel already has built-in authentication mechanisms, but integrating React JS for authentication adds an extra layer of security. React JS facilitates client-side validation, reducing the need for server round-trips for input validation. Additionally, React JS auth scaffolding allows you to implement features like token-based authentication (e.g., JWT) or OAuth, enhancing the security of your application

Step 1: Install Laravel App

composer create-project laravel/laravel example- ReactJSAuth

 So, Run below command

composer require laravel/ui

The Laravel UI package can generate the necessary views, routes, and controllers for user authentication, including login, registration, password reset, and email verification. It provides a convenient command to generate the authentication scaffolding with pre-built views and logic.

php artisan ui react
php artisan ui react --auth

Now let's run bellow command for install npm:

npm install && npm run dev

Next run migration command:

php artisan migrate

Run Laravel App:

php artisan serve

Now, Go to web browser, type the given URL and see the output:
